Levine Cava, Suarez address current rise in antisemitism in discussion hosted by American Jewish Committee – WSVN 7News | Miami News, Weather, Sports

Miami (WSVN) – Two top South Florida leaders attended a meeting with a advocacy group to address concerns about the current growth in antismitism.

Miami-Dad Mayor Danila Levin Kava and Miami Mayor Francis Suarez city American Jewish Committee National Leadership Council, National Leadership Council, EdvocC, was a special speaker on Sunday afternoon for the inaugural program.

The event shows new research that Jewish people in South Florida feel less safe in view of the Israel-Hamas war.

“Of course, frightened. Of course, in mistrust, “Lavin Kava said.

Levin Kava, the first Jewish man to be elected mayor of Miami-Dad, said that he took action after Hamas’s October 7 attacks.

He said, “It was my job as the mayor, but in particular, I felt, prominent, to reach out, and we immediately reached the wider Jewish community.”

Meanwhile, Suarez said that Miami showed support for Israel economically through the purchase of Israeli bonds.

“I went to my manager, and I said, ‘What is the maximum we can buy legally?” And he said, ‘Okay, a maximum of $ 20 million, so [I said]He said, “This is what we are going to do.”

The two mayors reacted to new research, with an increase in antismitism. Six out of 10 Jewish people said they feel less safe than a year ago.

“Originally, we have to spread the message that hatred will not be tolerated, and I believe we are a very, very integrated community,” said Levin Kava.

To investigate examples of Jewish hate crimes, step-up security and more detectives, the mayors said they want to see changes.

“I have been very clear and consistent, and therefore, I think clarity and stability do not make an inauguration for people, to believe that they can enter with things that are clearly not only antisemtic, but, in my opinion, do not reflect the clear understanding of history,” Suarez said.

Levin Kava and Suarez agreed that despite their famous biased political differences, they are united in their efforts to fight antisementism in South Florida.

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