Lobster catch falls in US amid whale gear, climate changes – NECN

The US lobster fishing business was immersed in a hold with challenges, including the new rules designed to protect a changing ocean environment and rare whales.

Lobster industry located in most of the men has taken an unprecedented decade in terms of the amount and value of lobasters brought to the dock. But the members of the industry have also said that they face the dangers of survival from the rules proposed to protect the North Atlantic Right Whale and climate change which are affecting which the shrimp can be implicated.

In 2023, the main fishermen’s grip fell more than 5% from that year, which happened earlier, and according to data released by the Main Department of Marine Resources on Friday, the total figure of 93.7 million pounds of lobasters was the lowest since 2009. The figure experiences with up-and-down year lobster fishermen, Dave Cusons said that a fisherman out of Krewen Island and the former chairman of the Main Lobersmans Association.

The price of fodder and fuel decreased slightly, but the amount of catch does not match for other recent years, Kusans said. The Main Lobster Hall has fallen from a high level of 132.6 million pounds in 2016, although the 2023 year figure was still much higher than fishermen produced in most times of 2000. The 2023 race was also for the second consecutive year, the total grip declined.

Kuchin said that fishermen who participate in Main’s Life Lobster Industry are an edge about the future what the future is, because the lobster has continuously inc Lobster in the north because the water is heated, Kusan said.

The Center for Coastal Studies Marine Animal Embrace Response (MAER) is working to help the animal and is capable of removing 200 feet heavy rope from the whale, but is entangled.

“We have gone down continuously from 132 million. We are going down, “Kuson said. “There is no question that climate change is affecting it.”

Fishermen from Massachusetts, Road Island and other northeastern states also harvest shrimp fishes with a mesh from the Atlantic Ocean, but about 80% of the catches come to the dock in the main in a specific year.

The price of shrimp fishes on the dock has been ebbed and washed away in recent years, but it has been quite consistent for consumers. The price in the dock exceeded $ 6.70 per pound in 2021 and reduced to $ 4 per pound in 2022. Last year, it was slightly lower than $ 5 per pound, and according to the data released on Friday, the total catch in the dock was more than $ 460 million. This is the third highest figure of the last four years.

“Last year’s price Main Lobersman is a reflection of this prestigious seafood demand,” said Main Marine Resource Commissioner Patrick Keliehar said.

The state fishermen have been in a long legal battle with the federal government on the rules designed to protect the whale, which are unsafe to entangle fishing gear. Fishermen argue that the proposed rules are so strict that they can exclude them from the business, but the protectionists say they are required to save the whale, which is less than 360 in the world. In this winter, a right whale was found dead from Massachusetts.

The way the climate change is affecting the industry, it is a matter of ongoing scientific study. The southern New England lobster industry collapsed with the heating of the ocean, and water from the main has logged the second most hot year on records in 2022.

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