CDC lifts Covid isolation guidelines – NECN

People conducting positive testing for covid no longer need to separate for five days, the disease control and prevention center said on Friday.

CDC’s new guidance now matches public health advice for flu and other respiratory diseases: Stay at home when you are ill, but return to school or are working once when you are feeling better and you are without fever for 24 hours.

The shift shows the continuous decrease in the most serious consequences of Kovid since the onset of epidemic, as well as a belief that many people are not testing themselves for Kovid anyway.

CDC Director Dr. Mandy Cohen said during a media briefing on Friday, “People often do not know what viruses they have when they get sick for the first time, so it will help them to know what to do.”

In the last few years, admission to the weekly hospital for Kovid has fallen by more than 75%, and the deaths have declined by more than 90%, said Cohen said.

“In 2021, to keep it differently, Kovid was the third major cause of death in the United States. Last year, it was 10th,” Dr. Brendon Jackson said during briefing.

Many doctors are urging the CDC to raise separation guidance for months, saying that it was very low to prevent the spread of Kovid.

The experiences of California and Oregon, who had previously raised their Kovid isolation guidelines, proved that it was true.

Jackson said, “Recent figures indicate that California and Oregon, where separation guidance looks more like CDC’s updated recommendations, high Kovid -19 emergency department visits or not being hospitalized,” Jackson said.

Changing covid isolation for mirrors recommended for flu and other respiratory diseases, Dr. Public Health Director of Cleveland city. David Margolius understands.

“We have reached the point where we are suffering from flu at a higher rate than Kovid,” he said. “What this guidance will do helps to strengthen – whatever infectious respiratory viral infections you are – when you are ill, stay at home, when you are better, come back.”

A infectious pathologist at Cleveland Clinic, Dr. Christin Angland said that the new guidance will be beneficial in curbing the spread of all respiratory viruses.

“I think it is going to help us in the coming years to ensure that the number of our influenza and RSV cases can also be cut off, not only Kovid.”

Nevertheless, this decision was likely to criticize some doctors, which indicates the fact that the US had been admitted to 17,310 new Kovid Hospitals in the last week.

Director of Public Health, Seattle, Dr. Faisal Khan said, “This is something that is likely to draw a wide array of opinion and perhaps conflicting opinion.” “But [the CDC’s] The rationale sound that epidemic is now in a very different phase from where it was in 2021 or 2022 or 2023. ,

Although the separation guidelines have been erased, the CDC still encourages people to play safely for five days after feeling better. This involves opening windows around weaker people to masking and fresh air house flow.

Most viral spreads occur when people are the most ill. “As the days go, less virus spreads,” Cohen said.

People with high risk complications, such as elderly, weak immune systems and pregnant women may need to take extra precautions.

Dr, the chief epidemiologist of Atrium Health in Charlot,. Katie Passreti said it was “step in a positive direction”.

He said, “We are continue to look like the world after Kovid, Kovid is one of many respiratory viruses that are sure that it is broadcast,” he said.

The new guidance is only for the general public, and hospital settings do not include separation guidelines, which is usually 10 days.

On Wednesday, the agency said that adults should get a booster shot of the covid vaccine in this spring of 65 and older. It is estimated that the nation will experience an increase in the disease later in this summer.

According to the CDC, with cases in January and August, Kovid’s winter and summer waves have surfaced in the last four years.

Another, improved, shots are expected to be available and this decline is recommended.

The main tips of CDC to reduce the covid spread:

  • Get the covid vaccine whenever it is available. Cohen said that in the last winter, 95% of the people hospitalized with Kovid did not get the latest vaccine.
  • Cover cough and sneezing, and wash hands again and again.
  • Open the windows, increase ventilation using air purifiers and gather outside when possible.

This story first appeared at More than NBC News:

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