Surfside, Fla. ,
Eighteen -year -old Joshua Epstein was taken into custody on Friday after tension was boiled during the debate of a candidate on Wednesday night at Surfside Town Hall.
Cellphone video shouted surfside vice mayor Jeff Rose in Epstein.
“Keep pushing me, enthusiasm. Keep pushing me You already pushed me once, and it’s on camera, ”Rose said.
“I have not touched you,” Epstein is heard saying. “If I did, forgive me, I didn’t mean. I did not push you, though.”
Rose accused Epstein of pushing her, but the alleged encounter was not caught on camera.
The 18 -year -old is now accused of assaulting an elected officer.
On Friday, the community members gathered to protest against the arrest of the teenager, saying that it is unjust.
“Justice for Joshua, we want the truth. Justice for Joshua, ”the supporters chanting.
Her mother, Eliana Saljhaur, is a former city commissioner and herself is a critic of the city leaders. He said that there was never an alleged shock.
“My son is a political activist in the city. He is 18 years old, he is very vocal, and he is a very vocal critic of the current administration, “he said. “After the Commissioner Forum, Vice Mayor Rose angrily charged another resident, stood next to him and angrily joined him. My son took out his phone and started recording. What happened. “
Salejhaur said that his son chased Rose with the camera.
Despite disagreement on who pushed, Epstein faced hooliganism.
His mother said that a proper investigation was not done.
“Accused with a hooliganism, okay? With hooliganism. For free. He never put his hand on him, he never did anything, ”Said Salezhaur. “We have a vice mayor who is clearly ready to disturb himself to protect his reputation when he is aggressive.”
As the pointing towards the finger continues, some community members said they are angry that a civilian is behind bars.
7news approached Rose, but until late Friday night, he did not respond to the remarks request.
Epstein is behind bars in the Turner Gilford Night Reform Center in West Miami-Dad.
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