It is a check-in time for those of you who inspect the leent.
We are well in the annual Pentetic season, and this is a good time to take our spiritual temperature.
Lent is traditionally celebrated by Christians in the preparation of Easter Tridum for 40 days, which recalls the last banquet and passion and death of Jesus Christ.
But regardless of our spiritual beliefs, knowledge and benefits of looking at Lent are relevant to all of us.
The purpose of Lent is to help us become a better person.
It is easy to fall into decency. And every year, when Lent rotates here and there, I am both surprised and not surprised how much I need in the intelligent way of my change.
So how is Lent running for you?
I am doing well – I think.
“Well,” I mean that every day through a concentrated practice of cool attention, I have created a spiritual place in my life. The place has helped me identify my daily life in the unfollowed events, which are about many ugly aspects of my personality, about which I forgot – or was easily ignored.
It is easy to “mistake” about those shadow parts of itself.
Finally, who wants to be honest with himself and accepts his attitude and behavior – whether it is externally expressed or not – makes life unhappy for other people?
We want to think that we are always right and the other is always wrong, are we not?
Or very at least, we want to justify our behavior in our mind, indicate the finger on people or circumstances, due to which we do.
This is why Lent matters.
It gives it to those who honestly give it an opportunity to see themselves and their attitudes towards life and other people where necessary.
This is a serious and talented season in which we open ourselves to the fire that always loves the Holy Spirit. This is a concentrated period of time where the soul cleanss us with our selfishness and self-centeredness, and innumerable these qualities appear in our lives.
Many people estimate lent with dreaded, do not want to open themselves to any kind of spiritual or physical inconvenience. This can be true, even if they know from personal experience, the result of living the end result of a leent well is a feeling of freshness in one’s soul.
A clean slate.
A new beginning.
A new meaning of purposeful spirituality.
As I have grown in my belief, I have learned to contact Lent differently compared to a child. After this, it was about giving something that I liked – say, Candy – not really because I wanted but because I was told.
The main result of this exercise was getting more obsessed with candy and was focusing only when I would be able to re -do it.
Now, I see the practice of fasting with something – or, towards the flip of the coin, my daily routine involves more concentrated prayer practice – as an opportunity for spiritual renewal.
Lent guides us to create more space for the presence of the soul in our life, and the world wishes to appear above all other things that have to be introduced this world during Lent and after every day.
Allowing the presence of the soul to direct our life is less likely to be attached to us in those deep behaviors and perspectives, for which we are so easily default.
Consider these factors as you assess your lanten practice.
Happy Lent to all of you, the presence of the soul in your life and the presence of everywhere around you.
Spirit Matters Jerillin Zavada is a weekly pillar of Novak that examines common experiences for the human soul. Contact it [email protected],