Property transfers for Whiteside, Lee and Ogle counties, filed Feb. 16-23 – Shaw Local

  1. Whitside county
  2. Lee County
  3. Ogal County

Whitside county

Warranty karma

Dustin from Meredith Galer Struv. And Tireni R. Nelson, 1815 Sixth Avenue, Sterling, $ 168,000.

Dale Balak Estate, Kimberly A. Vigil and Greg A. Child to Matthew D. Walker, 1301 15th Avenue, Fulton, $ 110,000.

Brian Patterson, Laurie Edelman, Derryl Pattercon and Carrie Vibenga to Daryl Pattern, 516 W. Morris Saint, Morrison, $ 0.

Rusty L. Suredez to Pamela. Vitman and Laura Anne Shular, 2217 Fifth Avenue, Sterling, $ 144,000.

Jill E. Brian to Nathanial R. Schmid, 1485 AD. Lafevere Road, Sterling, $ 76,000.

Neil E. Hill to Betty L. Warkins Trust, a parcel on Howard Road, Prophet, $ 432,250.

Leo R. And Zone M. Stewart to Brox Soletta, a parcel, Prophet, $ 2,000 on Grove Street.

Holisinger Farms Inc. Willis Land Company Master Series and Walnut acre series, Fenton Road, three parcels on Morrison, $ 60,019.

David R. And zone c. Seaton to Paul A. And Jodi R. Farral, 706 grasshopper st, Prophet, $ 82,900.

Of lullen. Lee to Aaron J. Peters, 608 N. Bluff Saint, Albani, $ 119,900.

Barbara L. Keith L. from Kofamar. And Bonnie L. Strolo, two parcel on Demon Road, Morrison, $ 68,000.

Fonda R. Radel to Chad M. And Andrea Volevar, 1303 eighth Avenue, Eri, $ 219,000.

Quit claim

Mary e. Evans to Eric Evans, Doris J. Isral, Rick Roberts, Kerry A. Olsen and Mary E. Evans, 2009 Scott St., Rock Falls, $ 0.

Trustee deed

Loren e. Gafi Trust Haben Family Trust, Kenneth L. And Malisa M. Haben, trustee, a parcel on the Quin Road, Sterling, $ 1.1 million.


Whitcide County Sheriff and Dennis P. Phullath Estate, Rebecca A. Bushv, Lana J. Nugant and Gary L. Fullarath to Community State Bank, 1203 Seventh Avenue, Rock Falls, $ 0.

Whitcide County Sheriff and Petricia A. Harrison, Zeralds also, Planet Home Lending, 513 AD. Third Saint, Prophet, $ 0.

Source: Office of Whitcide County Recorder

Lee County

Warranty karma

Kaleb J. Knay to Knightram Properties Inc., 2293 Gurler Road, Ashton, $ 152,500.

Jose L. Kolin A to Aroyo. Kennedy and Qasimir R. Szcap, Block 24, Lot 85, Woodheven Lakes, Sublet, $ 16,500.

Gary d. And of Ronda. Ryan and Shannon Buchwild from Brown, 2994 Harman Road, Steward, $ 30,000.

Brittany L. Walter to Gloria and Jesus Garcia, 222N. Davis Avenue, Amboy, $ 166,000.

Ronald R. And Angela M. Matthew c. And coaling n. Gue, a parcel from Farmland at South Dixon Township, $ 320,121.

Dennis W. Larry from Botton. And Mary R. McCormic Living Trust, Larry G. McCormic, trustees, two parcels of formland in Palira Township, $ 0.

Suzanne M from Hvarre Holdings LLC. Schmidt, 709 Cinissippi Avenue, Dixon, $ 275,000.

Jack, James and Cheryl L.

Brian W. Muatez and Jennifer D. Two parcels from Jensen to Mia Garden Preary Farm LLC, Vayola Township, $ 3,375,000.

Edward W. Harden to Rustics Roots acre LLC, four parcels in Nelson Township, $ 0.

Edward W. Harden to Harden 1854 LLC, 1448 Harmon Road and Nelson Township five parcels, $ 0.

Leave the claims of the claim

Don Wild to Crystal Swiontech, Block 8, Lot 133, Woodheven Lakes, Sublet, $ 0.

Marisa Iloa from Alejandro Salinas, Block 13, Lot 112, Woodheven Lakes, Sublet, $ 0.

Trustee deed

Garald L. And of genes. Seden Revolutionary Trust, Garald L. And of genes. Seden, Trustees, Calvin Thomas Concens, Block 26, Lot 6, Woodheven Lake, Sulelet, $ 0.

Source: Lee County Recorder Office

Ogal County

Warranty karma

Late Linda. NSM Trust 314, Neel August and Madlena, Trustee, 314 W. Breton Road, Mount Morris, $ 155,000.

Thomas J. David Gabriel Burger Suncase Da Cruise and Brittany A from Heartnet III. Gray, 312 N. 12th Saint, Rochelle, $ 143,000.

Blake a. George C. And lionate f. Holler, a parcel in Rockwell Township, $ 110,000.

Benjamin and Chantail O’Rorke Se Juan Martinez, 567 W. Second Saint, Rochelle, $ 110,000.

James R from Eva and Algezi Kajpalinska. And Christine J. McLin Trust, James R. And Christine J. Macquelin, Trustees, 5839 S. Indian Trail, Rochelle, $ 404,000.

Jennis R. Gohalke Trust 1, More D. Weiss and Branda L. Owens, Trustees, William R. Fisher, 209 N. Tamarack Drive, Dixon, $ 218,000.

Leave the claims of the claim

Late Christopher J. And Petricia A. Jung drew heir and garalin. James Kokan by Kokan, 290 W. Margaret Foler Road, Oregon, $ 0.

Heir and Debora. Kathy came by Switzer. Gantz, 4742 N. Mount Vernon Road, Foresten, Late Sandra by $ 0. Shed.

Jana from Storybook Garden LLC. Gron, 403 Lincoln Highway and 413 W. Fourth Avenue, Rochel, $ 0.

Trustee deed

James Keller Trust, Jamie K. Buden and Jamie Keller Budden GST Trust, Jamie. Budeen, Trustee, KBH Properties LLC, 3925 S. Telbot Road and 16015 W. Miladville Road, Polo, $ 0.

Sheriff work

GSRPM Mortgage Certificate Series 20031, JP Morgan Chase Bank, Trustee, 309 N from Ogle County Sheriff and Mary Jean Bridgeforthy. Pass through ninth cents, roshel, $ 0.

Trustee deed trust

Julie A. Abens, Trustee to Hell Hanson Hell Family Trust, Joseph J. Ebens, Brian A, Hell and Ruth E. Hanson Hell, Trusties, 504 S. Oak Meadow Drive, Oregon, $ 430,000.

Source: Office of Ogal County Recorder

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