Today is the 64th day of Monday, March 4, 2024. There are 302 days left a year.
Today’s main attraction in history:
On March 4, 1865, President Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated for the second term of the office; With the end of civil war in vision, Lincoln announced:
“With the maliciousness with someone, with donations to all, gives us rights to see the rights as God, we try to finish the work that to tie the wounds of the country, to take care of him, who can carry out the fight and be for his widow and his widow and his orfan, which can be a justified and all can provide peace.”
on this date:
In 1789, the Constitution of the United States became effective as the first federal Congress was found in New York. (MPs then postponed for lack of quorum.)
In 1863, the Idaho region was created.
In 1917, Republican Gennet Rankin of Montana took her seat as the first woman selected for the US House of Representative, on the same day, President Woodro Wilson took the oath of office for the second term (it was held on Sunday, a private ceremony was held inside the American Capital; A second, public oath.
In 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt took over as the 32nd President of America.
In 1966, John Lennon of the Beatles was quoted at the London Evening Standard, saying, “We are now more popular than Jesus,” a comment that caused an angry backlash in the United States.
In 1981, a jury in Salt Lake City convicted a racist and serial killer Joseph Paul Franklin, a racist and serial killer Joseph Paul Franklin, who was shot dead. (Franklin was sentenced to two lives for this crime; he was killed in 2013 in 2013 to assassinate Garald Gordon, a Jewish man.)
In 1987, President Ronald Reagan addressed the nation on the Iran-Cultra affair, admitting that his overstitcher for Iran had “deteriorated” in a weapon-to-hostage deal.
In 1994, in New York, four extremists were convicted for bombing the 1993 World Trade Center in which six people were killed and more than a thousand were injured. Actor-comedian John Candy died at the age of 43 in Durango, Mexico.
In 1998, the US Supreme Court ruled that sexual harassment on work could be illegal even when criminals and victims are of the same gender.
In 2012, Vladimir Putin registered a decisive victory in Russia’s presidential election to return to Kremlin and increase his grip on power.
In 2015, the Department of Justice also released a black 18 -year -old, but a scary report in a deadly shooting of Darren Wilson, a white east Ferguson, Missouri, police officer, Michael Brown, but also released a scary report for extensive changes in the city’s law enforcement practices.
In 2017, President Donald Trump accused former President Barack Obama of exploiting his telephone during the 2016 election; A spokesman by Obama announced that the claim “was just wrong.”
In 2018, “The Shape of Water” won four Oscars, including Best Picture, announced an award by Warren Beatty and Faye Dunve when he was caught in the wrong declaration that “La La Land” and “Moonlight” were not won for the best pictures.
In 2020, federal health officials examined a suburban Seattle Nursing Home at the center of the outbreak of Koronwirus.
In 2022, Russian soldiers confiscated the largest nuclear power plant in Europe after a mid-night attack, which set it on fire and increased the possibility of a destruction worldwide around the world that in the attack of Moscow’s Ukraine in the most centered twist.
Today’s birthday: Actor Paula Prantis is 86. Film director Adrian Lynn 83 is. Singer Shakin ‘Stevens is 76. The author is James Elroy 76. Former Energy Secretary Rick Perry is 74. 71. The actor Catherine O’Hara is 70. Actor Mykelty (Mary-Kul-TEE) Williamson is 67 years old. Actor Petricia Heton is 66. Sen Tina Smith, D-Min., 66. Actor Steven Weber is 63. , 41. Actor Scott Michael Foster is 39. The TV personality is the Whitney Port 39. The actor is Audrey Assurza 38. Actor Margo Harshman is 38. Actor Josh Boman is 36. Actor Andrea Bowen is 34. Actor Jena Boyd is 31.