The representatives reviewed the allocation of $ 150 million for school construction and maintenance, and they were a bit surprised. It was just that the list was so much… the expander.
Clay relay
Delegate Clay relay, R-Hyrison asked if the allocation would take care of everything proposed, but is already not funded by the School Building Authority. “So does it clean the backlog completely?” He asked at the House Finance Committee meeting last Thursday.
Marti gearhart
Representative Marti Gearhart, R-Murder, was a similar reaction.
“Every application is on this list. When was the last time the School Building Authority funded each application? Gearhart said. Then he answered his question. “I can answer this. I think it’s never. ,
These are an unusual, unusual time with large pressure.
West Virginia is under pressure from the federal government to support education to do good work on hundreds of crores of terms from Kovid relief. The main requirement is known as the maintenance of the effort, which means that the state had to keep equal proportional level money for schools as before the epidemic.
The state decreased as a percentage in 2023, and is now negotiating to try to get discounts and to avoid the claws of about $ 465 million.
The village. Gym justice
West Virginia can show one of those methods, showing important funds for education right now.
“Our investment will continue with another historic 5% increment this year and an unprecedented $ 150 million for our school building authority this year,” the village Justice said in a statement issued by his office on Saturday.
Brian Abraham
The Governor’s Chief of Staff, Brian Abraham created a similar point on the “talkline” of Metronws last week. He said that most of the spending spent on West Virginia’s education is defined by structures such as the school aid formula, based on the student population.
Abraham said, “So there are not really ways that you can direct money in educational expenses except things like drinks, school building authority, at killer.”
So the secret of the sheer amount of supplementary appropriation for the School Construction Authority is not a mystery at all. This means, yes, to move to school buildings in West Virginia – but negotiations are going on with federal officials, while the commitment is also to demonstrate.
SB 653 has already passed the Senate and is on track to pass the House of Representatives on Tuesday.
A list provided to delegates has shown money for several projects:
Partial roof replacement for Elkins Middle School, heating and air conditioning replacement at Berkeley Springs High School, waste water treatment plant for Tucker County High School, construction of a new primary school in Ona, an additional, which is 8 schools, a stem to 8 schools, a stem besides Monongia County Teaching Center, Monongia County Center, Interior Plumb Plumbing, water line, interior plumbing, technology, glade elementary school and webuster springs Elementary School, Safe School entrance, internal upgradation to Lewis County High School as well as replacement of heating and air conditioning systems and heating and air conditioning renewal at Miley Middle School.
Apart from this, a STEM square joint and cafeteria expansion at Cabel Midland High School, interior renovation in webster springs element, a safe school entrance in mountaineering elementary school, Electric Wiring Plus Upgrade Pokahonts County High School a gym floor in Tag Valley High School, a safe school entrance in tag valley high school, a safe school entrance and technical station and technical center and technical center Scrielight replacement includes a safe school entrance in Roof Renonweight.
Gearhart said at the committee meeting last week, “We have found a supplementary appropriation in front of us that we have every appropriation.”
The committee agreed to pursue the bill, and it is likely to be passed this week. The House Finance Committee sent two more bills to accounts on Monday morning where millions of dollars spent on schools were available.
Vernon Chris
“We found that we need to move these last two supplements to cover the school construction authority – hence, we have a problem with the federal government; This will help fix the problem, ”House Finance President Vernon Chris said during the meeting on Monday morning.
Once he passes away, West Virginia will not only have millions of dollars to support school construction projects, but will also have evidence to show the federal government that it is spending significantly on education.