The Supreme Court on Monday restored Donald Trump’s 2024 President’s primary ballot papers, rejecting the state’s efforts to justify the former Republican President for the capital riot. Justice ruled a day before the Super Tuesday Primary that without action from the first Congress, the Civil War Constitutional provision cannot be called to protect the presidential candidates from appearing in the ballot papers.
The result ends efforts in Main, Colorado, Illinois and other places, to kick Trump, Front-Runner for his party nomination, away from ballot, away from ballot, Democrats who attempts to reduce their loss for biden in 2020 elections, attacked Capitole, in 2021, on 6 January 2021.
Trump’s case was the first in the Supreme Court, which was related to the provision of the 14th amendment, which was adopted after the Civil War, which was “engaged in rebellion” by taking over the former office holders.
Both sides requested the court to work fast, which listened to the arguments on 8 February, less than a month ago. Justice was then ready to rule in favor of Trump.
Trump was removed from ballots in Main, Colorado and Illinois, but the three were waiting for the Supreme Court’s decision.
The Democratic Secretary of the Main on Thursday removed the former President Donald Trump from the state’s President’s Primary Matter under the rebel section of the Constitution.
This case Bush V. The court has the most direct participation in the presidential election since Gore, a decision was given a quarterly century ago, which effectively handed over the 2000 election to Republican George W. Bush. And it is one of the several cases directly associated with Trump or who can affect his possibilities of re -becoming President, including the case set for arguments in the end of April, whether he can be prosecuted criminally in allegations of election intervention, including his role in the January 6 Capital attack. At the time of intervention of the High Court, the time has raised questions about whether Trump will be tried before the November elections.
The arguments were the first time in February when the High Court heard a case related to Section 3. Two-Vakya provisions, which are to keep some associations from re-taking over, say that those who violate the oath to support the Constitution are also forbidden from various positions, including Congress offices or serving as presidential elections. But it does not specifically refer to the presidency.
Orthodox and liberal Justice questioned the case against Trump. His main concern was whether the Congress should work before implementing the 14th amendment. There were also questions about whether the President has been covered by the provision.
Republican and lawyers of independent voters who sued for removing Trump’s name from the Colorado ballot, argued that there was enough evidence that the incidents of January 6 had formed a rebellion and it was provoked by Trump, who was provoked by Trump, who was encouraged to “fight like a hell like a” hell like a rally outside the White House. He said that it would be absurd to implement Section 3 for everything, but the President or Trump is giving any discount in some way. And the provision does not require any competent law, he argued.
Trump’s lawyers made many arguments as to why the amendment cannot be used to keep them away from the ballot. He said that the riot was not a rebellion on 6 January and even if it was, Trump did not go to the capital or joined the rioters. He said that the word of the amendment also includes the ongoing presidential and candidates for the presidency. Even if all those arguments fail, they said, Congress will have to pass a law to reinforce Section 3.
The case was decided by a court consisting of three Justices appointed by Trump when he was the President. He has considered several cases related to Trump in recent years, to embrace his fake claims of fraud in the 2020 election and refuse to mold the records from Congress and prosecutors in New York.
Back in January, the Main’s apex court refused to be weighed on whether Trump could live on the ballot of the state, retaining a judge’s decision that the US Supreme Court had to rule the Colorado case first.
The Main Secretary of State Shenna Belose concluded that Trump did not fulfill the ballot qualification under the rebellion section in the US Constitution, but a judge pending the Supreme Court verdict on the same case in Colorado.
State Secretary Shenna Belose, Donald J for Republican Primary for the President of the United States. This decision was issued regarding the three challenges brought by the main voters for Trump’s nomination petitions. Decision read here:
– Mensos (@Mesecofstate) 28 December, 2023
But in a unanimous judgment on 24 January, the Main Supreme Judicial Court rejected the appeal of the Belose’s order, which required Trump to withdraw or maintain his decision to keep his decision to keep him away from primary polling on the Super Tuesday, before waiting for the US Supreme Court’s decision.
Belose’s judgment in December said that Trump had made him the first election officer to ban the Republican Front-Roner from the ballot under the 14th amendment.
Trump argued that Belose should have resumed herself, and she was biased against her. Trump said his actions rejected voters in the main, and were part of a comprehensive effort to keep them away from voting.
Belose, elected by the Democratic-controlled Legislature, said that many of the residents were bound by the State Law to make a determination after Trump challenged Trump’s right to be on primary polling. But she also said that she would follow the final decision of the court.
A spokesman for Belose’s office issued a brief statement after Monday’s decision.
“We are reviewing it now,” said the statement of Communications Director Emily Cook. “Do not expect a statement until his new decision is released.”
In view of his decision, Belose was a fraud victim who was called to his house in December.
According to the state police, “Swating Calls”, such as such a hooks, are known, in which a person is asked to call the police at 8:15 pm. According to the police, no one was inside at that time, the traupers found, and nothing was found suspicious.
His decision also inspired some GOP MPs to initiate impeachment proceedings against him, although the attempt was eventually closed by the House.