The biggest day of this year’s primary campaign is coming as 16 states and there is an American sector vote in the competitions known as Super Tuesday.
The election to be held on March 5 is an important moment for the President Joe Biden and Donald Trump, who is a heavy front-colon for the Democratic and Republican Presidential candidates respectively. It is also important for Trump rival Nikki Haley, who faces a hard slate of competitions, mostly in the types of Republican-Voting states where she is struggling to win support or in states where the party’s rules are in favor of the front.
Super Tuesday is also the biggest representative of any day in the primary calendar, so strong performance for Biden or Trump will take him very close to his party’s candidate.
The competition will be revealed from the coast to-to-colony, and while most of the attention will be on the President’s race, there are other important elections on Tuesday.
What do you know about Super Tuesday here and to see some things:
- Which states are voting on Super Tuesday?
- Who is on the ballot for President Primary?
- How many representatives are at stake?
- At what time does elections stop on 5 March?
- What are the major state races on the ballot on Super Tuesday?
Which states are voting on Super Tuesday?
- Alabama
- Alaska (Republican)
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Iowa (only democrats)
- I
- Massachusetts
- Minnesota
- North Carolina
- Oklahoma
- Tenasi
- Texas
- Uta
- Vermont
- Virginia
The American Samoa region is also holding a cocks.
Who is on the ballot for President Primary?
Many presidential candidates who have already been out of the race will still appear on the ballot.
Alabamademocrats: Joe Biden, Dean Filips, Uncommon.Rap -Publics: Donald Trump, Nikki Haley, David Stukenburg, Ankomd, Ryan Binkle, Chris Christie, Ron Desantis, Vivek Ramaswamy.
Alaskarpublian Cocks: Donald Trump, Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy.
Arkansedmocrates: Joe Biden, Dean Filips, Marien Williamson.Repalance: Donald Trump, Nikki Haley, David Stukenberg, Ryan Binkle, Daug Bergam, Chris Christie, Ron Desantis, Asa Hachinson, Veevak Ramaswamy.
Californiademocrates: Joe Biden, Dean Filips, Marien Williamson. Rapublikes: Donald Trump, Nikki Haley, David Stukenburg, Ryan Binkle, Chris Christie, Ron Desantis, Asa Hachinson, Vivek Ramaswamy, Rechhel Swift.
Cololadodemocrats: Joe Biden, Dean Filips, Marien Williamson.Repalon: Donald Trump, Nikki Haley, Ryan Binkle, Chris Christie, Ron Desantis, Asa Hachinson, Vivek Ramaswamy.
IOWEDEMOCRATIC CAKUS: Joe Biden, Dean Philips, Marien Williamson, Uncommon.
MendeMocrates: Joe Biden, Dean Philips.Repalance: Donald Trump, Nikki Haley Ryan Binkle, Ron Desantis, Vivek Ramaswamy.
Massachusettsdemocrats: Joe Biden, Dean Filips, Marien Williamson, No Preference.
Minnesotademocrats: Joe Biden, Dean Filips, Marien Williamson, Uncommon. Republicans: Donald Trump, Nikki Haley, Chris Christie, Ron Desantis, Vivek Ramaswamy.
North Carolinademocrates: Joe Biden, No Preference. Rapublikes: Donald Trump, Nikki Haley, Ryan Binkle, Chris Christie, Ron Desantis, Asa Hachinson, Vivek Ramaswamy, no preference.
Oklahomadamocrates: Joe Biden, Dean Philips, Marien Williamson. Rapublikes: Donald Trump, Nikki Haley, David Stukenburg, Ryan Binkle, Chris Christie, Ron Desantis, Asa Hachinson, Vivek Ramaswamy.
TennesEedemocrats: Joe Biden, Uncomiteed.Repalcons: Donald Trump, Nikki Haley, David Stukenburg, Ryan Binkley, Chrisiest, Chris Christie, Ron Desantis, Asa Hachinson, Vivek Ramaswamy, Uncommed.
Texasdemocrats: Joe Biden, Dean Philips, Marien Williamson. Rapublikes: Donald Trump, Nikki Haley, David Stukenburg, Ryan Binkle, Chris Christie, Ron Desantis, Asa Hachinson, Vivek Ramaswamy, Asambadh.
Utahdemocrats: Joe Biden, Dean Filips, Marien Williamson.Repalon: Donald Trump, Nikki Haley, Ryan Binkle.
Vermontademocrates: Joe Biden, Dean Filips, Marien Williamson.Repalon: Donald Trump, Nikki Haley, Ryan Binkle, Chris Christie, Ron Desantis, Vivek Ramaswamy.
Virginiademocrates: Joe Biden, Dean Philips, Marien Williamson. Rapublikes: Donald Trump, Nikki Haley, Ryan Binkle, Chris Christie, Ron Desantis, Vivek Ramaswamy.
How many representatives are at stake?
More than one third of the total representatives available in both Republican and Democratic Presidential Primary will be honored on Super Tuesday.
In the Republican side, 854 out of 2,429 will be at stake. Democrats will reward 1,420 delegates.
Trump has so far earned 247 delegates and needs 968 more to hit his so -called “magic number” of 1,215.
For Biden, they currently have 206 representatives and require 1,762 to hit their magic number of 1,968.
Here is a state-by-state breakdown for countries that are for tombs:
- Alabama (D): 52 Representative (R): 50 Representative
- Alaska (only Republican): 29 representatives
- Arkansas (D): 31 Representative (R): 40 Representative
- California (D): 424 Representative (R): 169 Representative
- Colorado (D): 72 Representative (R): 37 Representative
- Iowa (only Democrat) 40 Representatives
- Main (D): 24 Representatives (R): 20 Representatives
- Massachusetts (D): 92 Representative (R): 40 Representative
- Minnesota (D): 75 Representative (R): 39 Representatives
- Northern Carolina (D): 116 Representative (R): 74 Representative
- Oklahoma (D): 36 Representative (R): 43 Representatives
- Tennessi (D): 63 Representative (R): 58 Representative
- Texas (D): 244 Representative (R): 150 Representatives
- Utah (D) 30 Representative (R): 40 Representatives
- Vermont (D): 16 Representative (R): 17 Representatives
- Virginia (D): 99 Representative (R): 48 Representatives
At what time does elections stop on 5 March?
EST at 6:00 pm: Expected results in Iowa (only Democrat)
EST at 7:00 pm: Election in Vermont and Virginia. Call Cocks in Alaska (only Republican)
EST at 7:30 pm: Election closed in North Carolina
EST at 8:00 pm: Elections closed in Alabama, Main, Massachusetts, Oklahoma and Tennessi. Most elections are closed in Texas.
EST at 8:30 pm: Elections closed in Arkansas
9:00 PM EST: Voting in Colorado and Minnesota. Last election closed in Texas. Call Cocks in Utah (only Republican)
10:00 PM EST: Pollose in Utah (only Democrat)
EST at 11:00 pm: Elections closed in California. It is expected to end in uta (only Republican)
12:00 AM EST: Voting ends in Alaska (only Republican)
What are the major state races on the ballot on Super Tuesday?
The ballot on the ballot is more than the President’s primary on Tuesday. One of the most resulting competitions is California Primary for the American Senate seat which is left open from the death of Democratic Sen Dyne Fenstein.
Laphonza Butler, who are temporary of the seat, are not running for a full period. Instead of facing the winners of the party primary in November, California throws every candidate in the same primary and the top two vote-songs make it in the general election. Member of Democratic US House, Reps. Katie Porter, Adam Shif and Barbara were taken, as well as former Dojers Great Steve Geve, all have their hats in the ring.
Most of the countries chose their governors in the 2022 elections, but Northern Carolina is ready for an intense race for this decline. Major-party front-colon for a seat being vacated by term-limited Democratic village. Both Roy Cooper will need to display the ability to unite their parties in primary.
Attorney General Josh Stein has a support of Cooper. Stein’s main contestant is a former state Supreme Court Associate Justice, Mike Morgan, who is black. See if Stein is capable of holding a significant part of primary black voters, which is necessary for any democrats that want to be competitive in November.
The Republican Front-Runner is a lieutenant village. Mark Robinson, who is black, has been a divisive person for some, who is asked to criticize the teaching of LGBTQ+ issues during sex education and to comments in a church that Christians are asked to lead by men. ” His opponents, state treasurer del followwell and trial Attorney Bill Graham say Robinson is very polarized to win in November.
Robinson was supported by Trump last year, but it is worth seeing if he reflects the same weaknesses among the college-educated, suburban voters as a former president. Biden’s renovation campaign is targeting North Carolina as it thinks those voters can help him defeat Trump.
In Texas, the Attorney General Kane Pasteon, a Republican, House Speaker Dale Fale is targeting more than 30 GOP state MPs in primary, when his own party tried to impeach him last year. The impeachment stems from the legal crises of Paxon. He faces a April 1 test on allegations of hooliganism security fraud, and investigates an additional federal corruption probe on the allegations that he used his office to be used in favor of a campaign donor who was the foundation for allegations of impeachment.
The conservative appeal of the Pasteon state is trying to remove three Republican judges in the court, who voted to limit the Attorney General’s powers.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.