We all have told a little lie to get out of things that we do not want to do. A group of friends in the new film “Ricky Staniki” takes a white lie to a new level.
How far will you lie?
Andrew Santino (as a jetty): “You know what we did was a lie.”
Zac Efron (as Dean): “Hundreds of and hundreds of times over the years.”
If you are anything like this group of friends, then the answer is far away.
ZAC Efron (as Dean): “What if we rent an actor to play a stanny”
The latest comedy of Prime Video “Ricky Staniki” follows a group of friends as they try to maintain the last mask.
A plot comedian, Andrew Santino, says, it is very possible in his life.
Andrew Santino: “I have some friends in my life, I will do anything for them. If he told me that ‘Hey man, I made a friend for 30 years, then you pretend to know them, I will do it in a heartbeat. ,
But this lie goes far away.
William H. Massey (as Samarahyas): “I was actually taken with your friend Staniki. He got brass balls, on the man on him. So I hired him. ,
Since people portray big -time fibers in the film, we just had to ask: how long have you told a lie?
John Cena: “Now sitting on this chair. There is no way that I do here. This is a long lie of two decades, which I am only able to catch. ,
John is just joking and for Zac Efron.
John Cena: “He is a very true friend.”
Zac Efron: “I’m so true.”
John Cena: “Anything he is going to say that he is lying, a lie.”
Are you sure John? Because it seems a little untrue to lie at your acting again.
ZAC Efron: “I rode a horse there next to karate. I have never done two sessions of karate and I am never on a horse and someone put me in horses riding a film. ,
John Cena: “Welcome to the deep end.”
Don’t worry, all this work done.
Zac Efron: “I’m still alive. Tell the truth”
Yes, children, always tell the truth. But if you tell a white lie now and then. William H. Massey says that he will not put it against you.
Willm h. Massey: “I have a tendency to forgive because I have done goods in my life and I think everyone is entitled to each other.”
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