MorGantown, W.VA – The state continued to present its case in the Monongeli County Murder Trial of Clotis app on Thursday.
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Clotis “Ghost” apps
Apps of Harbor Woods, Michigan and Arlo Romano are accused of killing Matt May 7, 2022 on round bottom road, which is more than missing drugs and money.
Romano has already convicted the related allegations.
Dr. of West Virginia Medical Examiners’ Office. Thomas Young testified on Thursday that Moore was shot twice, once behind and once behind the skull. He also had friction on his back and face. Young testified that the shot on the back of the head killed Moore.
North Central Regional Jail Prisoner Joshua Sprag told the jury that he met apps after being arrested in July 2022, when he was extradited back to West Virginia. Sprag said that within hours he knew that there was a story to tell apps, and as he heard that apps told it, he started to be afraid of it.
Sprag reported that the jury apps told her that Moore owes her up to $ 26,000 and first admitted to shooting Moore in the head. He directed a second shot at the top of Moore’s head, but missed and hit his back.
“Shree. Moore originally looted Mr. Apps. He was not paying her; Moore will not return her call just; He was trying to make her zero because he was outstanding her money. ,
Another prosecution witness, Stephen Curry, a detective of the Mongelia County Sheriff Department, said that the phone he found on Moore’s body has quickly learned what was actually related to apps. The phone had large amounts of drugs on the scales displaying weight and the meta data from the phone which were related to the apps, which tied the image back under the ownership of Grafton Road Hiyam Moore’s friend.
Curry said that at the end of March 2022, Moore stopped communicating with apps for a few days and re -involved, saying that it was pulled and drugs were seized by the police. Moore told apps several times that he would repay the loan, but failed to communicate continuously till 7 May, when Moore was shot.
“Matt could not give back those or money from the income of the sale of those controlled substances, and the defendant was trying to get back one of them,” Curry said. “Matthew was constantly ignoring him.”
Sprag testified that the apps told him that he wanted to make round bottom road shooting as the drug deal deteriorated. Therefore, apps allegedly left about 20 grams of fentinel with Moore’s body after shooting, which was found by spy curry.
“He said that he had about 50 grams of carfentanil or fentinel in his pocket, and he left about 15 or 20 grams on the murder scene and paid the rest to Mr. Romano as a payment for his share in murder and kidnapping. “
The case can be sent to the jury by Monday.