Biden’s proposed budget includes $4.7B fund for border migrant surges – NECN

According to a part of the budget reviewed by NBC News in the budget proposal of President Joe Biden for 2025, an emergency fund of $ 4.7 billion for the Border Security Department to enable the Homeland Security Department to operate in the event of a migrant jump. Is included.

Casting funds will allow DHS to tap in funds on an essential basis, when the number of unspecified migrants crossing the southern border is at the top of a fixed range that is uninterrupted in the budget. If funds are not used to address the boom, the funds transferred the general funds of the Customs and Border Security (CBP), immigration and customs enforcement (ICE) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Will go

The request is likely to fall on the deaf ears between the Republic of the Congress, who have already denied a $ 13.6 billion fund, the Biden administration sought in an emergency supplementary request, aimed at the record high number of migrants crossing the border. Had to answer.

This comes when both CBP and ICE are facing a lack of important budget.

NBC News earlier stated that ICE will have to start significant operations by May if the Congress does not help cover the difference of $ 500 million.

“Let’s come together on immigration,” the President Joe Biden said on Tuesday. “Let’s pass my plan to provide tools and officers to secure the least limit and a route for citizenship for dreamers.

Acting CBP Commissioner Troy Miller said that Republican blocked the boundary provisions of the National Security Supplementary Bill earlier this year, their agency would be put into a weak position, as the number of migrants should increase with the heat of the season.

Miller said, “I definitely continue to cognize that the number of migrants coming to the southern border may increase and perhaps it will move forward in weeks and months.” “I think this is one of the reasons that as we saw the National Security Bill, it gave us additional officials and resources to influence a result so that we can quickly screen those who have a valid refuge with a valid refuge There was no claim and sent back.

In Biden’s budget, Congress has also been asked for $ 405 million to hire 1,300 more limit patrol agents, ICE’s 34,000 ICE’s money to keep the current custody bed, $ 1 billion for help to Central America, migration To address the root causes of 2.4 million pending cases in American immigration courts to address a backlog of about 1 billion dollars.

To compete with Phantanyl smuggling, the budget has been asked to fund an additional 1,000 CBP officers in the budget, which can prevent illegal drugs from coming to the US-Maxico border and technology to detect fennel on the border For $ 849 million for.

After a report by NBC News that some fantanel detection scanners were sitting unused due to Republican protests, for funding to keep them in the ground, Sen John Tester, D.-Mont. Asked the Congress to fund technology.

The budget also asks the Congress for funds to ensure that migrant children who cross the border are kept as soon as possible with relatives and sponsors.

This article first appeared at Read more from NBC News:

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