Vernon Hills’ Annika Chudy wins state title

Each athlete dreams of ending its athletic career with a championship, but the senior Annika Chudi of Vernon Hills made it a reality on Saturday.

After a series of very close Mrs. in the last two sessions, Chudi won his first state title at the final schedule of his gymnastics career, when she strongly sturked floor exercises at the state meat in Palatine.

“It’s very beneficial,” Chudi said. “I have made so much time and attempt in this game, and to show it at the end, it looks really good.”

Bangles were already the most decorated gymnasts in the history of Vernon Hills, entering with five state medals this season. He added three more at the end of this week, but did not have any gold to the floor exercise, during which he pasted a great double pike on his first Tumbling Pass.

From there, he was waiting for greatness.

“Obviously, you always have a little vein, but I knew that if I hit every pass, I had a good shot in winning,” Chudi said. “So I just went out of there, and I was able to pull through.”

Bangle was ranked 10th out of 11 contestants in the final of the floor and scored 9.675 runs to take a 0.125 lead over Harsi Junior Sabrina Namesake, who on Friday excluded him for the all-around state title. Julia Bartnik, a senior senior of that Lake Park, as the last girl standing between Chudi and prestigious championships, and Bartnik scored 8.85 runs.

So Chudi made history, the first Vernon Hills became gymnast to win the state title in floor exercise. Cougars coach Dennis Caton felt that this would happen.

“Before she went to the floor, she was so,” I am ready to do so. I am ready to hit. I am ready to go out, “said Catan.” Exactly he did the same.

“We are working hard in all seasons, and it is good to have that perfect on that last routine.”

Annika Chudi of Vernon Hills performed on parallel bars during Friday's IHSA state meeting, 16 February, 2024. Chudi tied 2 in all-round in the meeting. (Brian Omahony for Chicago Tribune)Annika Chudi of Vernon Hills performed on parallel bars during Friday's IHSA state meeting, 16 February, 2024. Chudi tied 2 in all-round in the meeting. (Brian Omahony for Chicago Tribune)Annika Chudi of Vernon Hills performed on uneven bars during the state meeting on Saturday, 17 February 2024 at Palatine.

Chudi’s career was already one that most gymnasts could only dream. Even though her freshman season was canceled due to the Koronwirus epidemics, the bangle won eight top-five medals, including three in the all-round, where she finished fifth as a sophomore and the second as a junior.

After recording the highest sectional score in the state with 38.35, the bangle was a minor favorite for winning the all-round this time. Only the fall in the balance beam stopped him from doing so.

This allowed Nemsk to win the all-round title with 37.8. Chudi and Palletin finished second by Sofomore Jolie Waddington at 37.75.

“I knew I had to hit the beam, and I didn’t yet,” Chudi said. “I was very disappointed by myself, but Sabarina is an incredible gymnast, so I could not be crazy.

“Coming back (Saturday), I knew I had three more opportunities to try to cry first, which was on the floor just.”

But at first, there were two more close. Chudi scored 9.525 runs, finishing second on uneven bars behind Namesk, won with 9.675.

The next was the vault. Nemsek also won, scored 9.75, the highest meat mark. Chudi has longed 9.525, quite good for the sixth place, a slot behind the team partner Livi Tran, a junior who scored 9.55.

Which made the bangle’s victory more satisfactory on the floor.

“It was surprising,” said Catan. “Every gymnast has its ups and downs which are mentally difficult. To finish Annie on this high, bright note, I could not ask anything else. ,

Chudi, who said that he has 4.4 GPA, has a skill to compete in college after 10 years in the club. But he said that he had a final meeting on Saturday.

“I plan to become a chemical engineer, and my educationists are going to take me better than my gymnastics,” Chudi said. “I think it will be really difficult to engineering and a game.”

Whatever the engineer helped in Vernon Hills cannot be understood. He moved the coars to second in the team competition in 2022 and 2023 – the first state trophies in the history of the program – and this season in fifth place, and they did so with class.

“Annie’s heart goes everywhere,” said Catan. “It is not just within him and our team. This is everyone who was in this school later this week. She is making everyone happy. He has a heart to sleep. She wears her heart on her sleeve, and everyone notices it. ,

Caton saw it every day.

“Sometimes it happens where one of the girls in the gym does something and Annie likes,” who inspired us all, “said Catan. “She has been a big part of our program. He is amazing. “

Matt Le Crane is a freelance reporter.

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