Boys basketball roundup – Shaw Local

Boys Basketball

Foreston 55, Ashton-Fanclin Center 31: In Forestton, Cardinals built the 21–9 Halftime lead and rolled the reders for a Nuik South win at the conclusion of their regular season.

Forests was led by Mickey Probest with 18 points and five stolen; Brendon Greenfield with 13 points, 12 rebounds and five assistance; And Kendall Edman with 13 points and four assistance. Brady Gill left nine points for cardinals.

Barrett Baker placed AFC with seven points.

Polo 65, Amboy 47: In Amboy, Marcos excluded clippers out of nine points each to claim a Nuic South victory at a regular-season conclusion for both teams.

Brock Solto led Polo with 25 points, followed by Nolan Han with 19 and Gus Mmford 12.

Troy Anderson scored 19 points, and Eddie Jones selected for Amboy in 17.

2A regional

Morrison 59, Oregon 52: Mustangs reduced the Hawks below 59-52 in 2A regional action on Monday, February 19 at the Blackhawk Center in Oregon. With winning, Mustangs proceed to the Prophet Regional Area to face rock falls on Wednesday, 21 February.

Oregon was led by Caton Sarsbury with 17 points and Jameson Capos was with 15 points. Know Campos scored nine points and Cooper Johnson and Beni Olede had four points. Chase Pneummon led Morrison with 13 points and then with Desoun Mcquin with 12.

1A regional

Milledgeville 50, Forestton 32: Missiles ended the cardinals season on Monday, 19 February with a domestic game at Foreston Regional. Miljville led 24–20 in the half and won the Foreston 18–13 in the third quarter and 15–7 in the fourth quarter N route.

Foreston was led by Mickey Probest with 14 points, followed by Kendall Edman 11 and Kaleb Sanders with seven. Connor NYE led Mildeville with 20 points.

Polo 73, Kirkland-Hiawatha 33: Marcos excluded Hawks 28–5 in the first period and 17-7 on his home court on Monday, 19 February to win. Brock Solto and Jetty Stephenson led Polo. There were 11, Nolan Han 10, Logan Nelson 8, and Noah Davi eight in Gas Mmford.

With winning, Marcos Forest will move forward in the second round of the Regional and will face Sterling Pneumon at 7:30 pm.

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