$50 million Owens & Minor medical warehouse project delayed

MorGantown, W.VA- The proposed 350,000 square feet of Owens and Minor Medical Warehouse Project are delayed.

The $ 50 million project was initially planned to open this month in Westies Development; However, a new location has been selected and the opening has been excluded by February 2025.

The warehouse, which is expected to be around 100 employees, will supply sterilization to clinical supply, surgical supply, and custom process tray assembly and WDU medicine and others.

The company said in a statement, “Morganantown, has been slated to start our medical supply logistics hub in WV, on a new site recently selected by Owens and Minor and its regional partners to start next month.” “In the interim, Owens and Minor continues to serve all their customers in the region in general, including WVU medicine. We are excited by their long -term strategic collaboration with WVU therapy to help strengthen flexibility of West Virginia and beyond health care. We guess that our new MorGantown site will be completed in the beginning of 2025. ,

Owens and Minor developed a relationship during the lack of individual safety equipment (PPE) due to epidemic. At that time, both companies expected some cost savings while making flexibility in any other national or regional emergency.

Westridge, Inc. said in a statement, “Unfortunately, we can confirm that the start of building construction is delayed.” “We are not able to provide further comments at this time due to related and ongoing discussions; However, we are fully committed to removing any challenge and working diligently with all parties involved to complete the special project sought by Owens and Minor.

The purpose of Westies is to attract and secure new companies in the region, whether in the office, industrial, or retail markets, so that our region is to increase and enhance the offerings of our region. We appreciate our stakeholder and community support and will provide further updates to the public about the project, once confirmed. ,

Once again, Owens and Minor has confirmed that there is a new place in the region, but it is not announced at all where he is.

WVU Medicine said that there is nothing in Owens and Minor Statements.

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