70-degree temps expected before late-night storms

A magic of the scattered 70 degree season is predicted in Chicago on Monday, before the scattered rains and thunderstorms go through the entire region overnight and on Tuesday morning.

The height predicted ranges from 69 to 75, in which the southern winds rotate at a speed of 30 mph in the afternoon.

Balmi temperature can be record-breaking. According to the National Weather Service, Chicago has a record 73 degrees for March 4, which is established in 1983. The weather like spring comes after a unmatched hot February.

The best temperature is expected with the visconsin-Illinois state line, while the hottest middle will be seen close to Illinois.

“It’s going to be quite consistent in Chicago,” said meteorologist Kevin Doom.

According to the weather service, the Hurricane will reach the city in the Chicago region to the west, in the east, the area remains under a dangerous weather approach under a dangerous weather approach, with heavy falls, hail and ugly winds.

Doom said, “The opportunity for any potentially strong storms is going towards the first part of the incident, so around midnight this evening,” Doom said.

Meteorologists are more important for storms in the western suburbs. Nevertheless, they do not expect to reach the seriousness of the thunder last week, who brought a string of tornado outside the city.

“We are not expecting it will be very strong, so hail and severe air chance is not as great.” “Last week, there is much less capacity than what we saw.”

A medium cold front is expected to move forward on Tuesday, in which the temperature falls in the city by the 40s. According to the weather service, the morning scattered thunderstorms are most likely in the south-east of the I-55.

The temperature is predicted to warm over the week and to climb back in the 50s. Areas are expected to live in areas along the Lake Michigan in the 40s.

“It is close to the time that we can usually expect for this time of the year,” said Doom said.

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